On the Stroke of Midlife (2021)

On the Stroke of Midlife
Moonshine, magic, and murder. I’m definitely having a midlife crisis…

I didn’t expect to be single at forty-five, but I’ve always prided myself on facing up to a challenge. A new town, a better job, and a cozy cottage of my own are all at the top of my To Do list. A new man? Right at the bottom. I’m far too busy for love.

Returning to the Devon village of Crows Tor on Dartmoor brings a new lease of life for me – in more ways than one. It turns out my old school friend, Fiona, makes a secret moonshine at her whisky distillery using spring water collected under the full moon. Apparently it enhances your psychic powers, and she tempts me to have a shot… or three.

I’m thrilled at the prospect of developing my psychic abilities. And then I look into a crystal ball at the May Day fair and have a vision of a murder. Suddenly it’s not such a fun idea after all, especially when my prediction comes true. Consumed by guilt because I didn’t warn the victim, I’m determined to find the killer, even if it puts me in the very path of danger…