Pie, Potions and a Poison (2020)

Pie, Potions and a Poison
When a contest judge takes an eternal nap in the middle of the pie entries, fledgling witch Harper Dade discovers living in Willow Hollow can be murder.

The shifter sheriff of the magical town pulls Harper into the investigation. With more than the pie contest in jeopardy, the success of the town’s businesses is on the line.

A defective witch, she can’t face the truth about her heritage. Let alone cast successful spells or bake an edible pie.

Supernatural factions turn against one another. Likely suspects toss blame like magic bolts, and conspiracies better left buried are unearthed. Harper’s left with a curse and a talking cat, without a ghost of a chance of solving the mystery.

Yet she must, for the sake of Willow Hollow, to make sure a murderer gets his or her just desserts.